Learn how to speak dog with Jess’s game changing, industry-leading energy techniques that can turn any dog into a cozy bear!

After this course, dogs will be falling asleep on your table.

More peace. More ease. More money.

Transform your grooms from chaotic to calm so you can get those gorgeous haircuts 

(and become everyone's favorite groomer)

The most epic course for groomers dedicated to connecting with dogs through energy is heeeere!

Did you know that energy is the foundation to creating beautiful grooms?

No exaggeration: energy has been the key to my own success as a groomer.

But what does that even mean?
If you find yourself…

  • Wrestling with puppies, struggling with dogs who’ve never been to a salon, getting frazzled by squirrelly hyper pups, and annoyed by overly nervous dogs who won’t stop panting (and, your own shame and frustration around not knowing how to handle these situations)

  • Wondering why some days every single dog you groom seems to be a loon, while other days are not too bad

  • Exhausted and frazzled too often, and maybe sometimes even questioning if this is the right path for you

…my friend, you’re not tapping into the power of your own energy, or what it’s saying to the dogs you work with.

Years ago, I noticed that when I groomed a dog, I could find a way to work with them to get them calm and cozy – but when my coworkers groomed the same dogs, they would go bananas on their tables. But I didn’t realize I had something special until my Instagram started to go viral back in 2016. I would get comment after comment from people asking why all the dogs were so calm.

It’s not like every single dog I ever touched was perfectly behaved, but there were these little predictable behaviors I used as opportunities to respond to – and it worked. These moments made the dogs feel seen, understood, and taken care of, which made them trust me. They would chill out and cooperate.

I began to mindfully explore what I was doing differently and developed a whole way of reading dog behavior and responding to it through my touch and energy. And as I learned to calm the dogs, I learned more about how to calm myself for an even more holistic grooming approach (one that also allowed me to get amazing cuts on my dogs!)

Here’s the bottom line:

A lot of people think that if you have a firm, no-nonsense attitude with dogs, they’ll behave, but that’s not always the case and is only one part of a bigger equation. Sometimes a firm touch creates more behavior issues. Sometimes a gentle touch can be read as weakness which doesn’t work either. It all depends on how well you can read the behavioral clues the dog is giving you and how you respond.

It’s learning how to work with the dogs versus on the dogs. That’s the basis of the techniques I had discovered.

And now, for the first time, I’m sharing all of these energy-based dog-reading techniques in depth.

A trusting dog is a calm dog.

Let’s change the way you read and respond to dogs so your day goes from stressful to successful.

In over 5 hours of video tutorials, we'll go over: 

  • Handling techniques that communicate to the dog they can trust both you and the tools you use (no more scary clippers!)

  • The most common dog behavioral clues and the best ways to respond 

  • The skill of communicating with dogs through touch and energy 

  • How to use the dog’s different senses to build their trust with the grooming process

  • Practices to help you regulate your behavior and energy so you’re less stressed, showing up in a kinder, calmer way, and leading a happier work and home life

… Yep, this stuff is that powerful. It will transform the way you groom dogs, interact with your human clients and coworkers, and plug into your own grounded calm every day. It’s changed my whole life, and I am ready to share everything.

Groomers are instantly feeling the transformation…

I’ve taught some of these energy techniques in classes at trade shows and in my other courses, and I am so proud to say the results for my students have been incredible.

"Before taking Jess’s courses, I thought a strict, no-nonsense attitude would be the best route to well-behaved dogs on my table. After years of grooming, I still got frustrated by protest-y pups who wouldn’t respond to constant corrections and rigid practices. After learning Jess’s calm/confident energy techniques and how to work ‘with your dog and not ‘on’ your dog, my furry clients and I are now calmer and more relaxed and finish the groom in an even better mood than we started. Thank you, Jess!'"

-Janel Heliotes

"I’ve always had a hard time staying calm and relaxed when working with ‘difficult’ dogs. I knew how to read the dogs’ body language, but I never knew how to properly communicate with them or adjust my own energy to show them they can trust me. Ever since starting this course, I have been able to stabilize my own energy to benefit myself and my cleints. Today I was able to trim one our more aggressive client’s nails without a muzzle or the groomer’s helper. Thank you, Jess Rona!'"

-Madison Renee

Where would you be if you were feeling this way, too?

I’m going to get you there with the new JRenerG course.

So what is “energy,” and what does it have to do with grooming dogs?

Most grooming instructors focus only on the technical side of grooming and handling dogs, but when an average groomer is struggling to connect with and calm a dog, the approach needs to have a holistic perspective…

Energy is in all of us, a force we read in others and put out ourselves. It’s non-verbal communication, and you’re using it whether you realize it or not. You can feel other people without them talking, right?

If someone is glowing because they had an amazing day, you can sense their joy the moment they walk through the door…

Or if there’s someone walking behind you on the sidewalk and they just give you the creeps…

Or if you get cornered by someone at a party who won’t stop telling you about their stomach problems, and you feel more drained with every minute that goes by…

That’s all energy.

Dogs are natural energy readers, waaaaay more than us. So if you’re getting all deregulated during a groom? The sweet baby on your table is going to feel that “something’s wrong” energy and keep escalating.

Do you know what to do to regulate your nervous system? To convey to the dog just through touch and the vibe you’re putting out there that you’re calm but also in charge so they can chill out?

You can, with the techniques in this course. They’re so effective at helping groomers communicate with tiny shmoops, I refer to them as “Speaking Dog.”

I teach these techniques to my staff and watch their dogs instantly settle after just a few tweaks to their approach. It really works.

Take your pick of 2 verions of the course:

The One and Only…

The JRenerG Online Course

  • 13 different video tutorials where I share my energy work secrets

  • Demonstrations on actual pups displaying a wide array of the most common behaviors

  • Watch as I guide my new employees through how to pivot in the moment with a protesting dog

  • A Resource Guide to get you started on your personal development journey

  • My course-exclusive private podcast recording to ground you, calm you, or help you out of a slump on those tougher days 

*closed-captioning will be available, AND you can also select to have a printable transcript of the videos made

Only $397 payment plan is available at checkout!

Bundle & Save

JRG Fundamentals Bundle

  • 8 video tutorials on grooming all different coat types

  • 2 signature bathing technique tutorials

  • 5 video tutorials detailing my face blueprints

  • 14 videos tutorials demonstrating my energy method on actual pups

  • An insider’s look at me training my employees in how to handle protesting dogs

  • In-depth lessons on

    my proven puppy handling techniques, prep work, positioning, dematting and more, groomer self care and how to keep your soul inspired every day

  • A Resources Guide to get you started on your personal development journey

  • A private podcast recording made to ground and encourage you

  • Plus 5 free bonuses including a blueprint PDF, 2 bonus face tutorials, tail dye tutorial & more

That’s 43 tutorials plusssss all these other lessons, PDFs, a podcast, a Resources Guide…

All for only $897 (a $1,090 value)

And now…

I’ve added a course-exclusive Self Care Bundle that includes a private podcast recording featuring guided grounding meditations & pep talks to calm you or help you out of a slump on those tougher days, PLUS a printable JRenerG Gratitude Journal.

Meet Your Teacher

Jess Rona

I've been grooming dogs for over 20 years and have grown my business from a small unknown garage operation to one of the most recognizable grooming brands in the world – in large part because of my intuitive way of handling dogs so they’re calm and cozy while I groom them (and, yes, while I film them to be glamorous viral stars on social media).

I hear from so many fellow groomers that they are tired of struggling with dogs who fight them during their appointments. They have visions for great cuts and dreams of easy days with time to take on more clients and grow their businesses, but these wrestling sessions are standing in the way. They want a way to understand and “speak” to the dogs they’re grooming so it’s an easier, cozier time for everyone.

This is what moved me to create my JRenerG Course.

We Pledge

Money Back Guarantee

100-Day Grooming Game-Changer or your money-back guarantee.

I have a 100%, no-questions-asked Money Back Guarantee for this course! 

What does that mean?!

Well... what it means is that if you don’t get what you came here for... I’ll give you your money back 100%! I’ll even let you keep the training! This basically means you can come in, join the course, watch the videos, and experience the breakthroughs that await you...

 ...and still, ask for your money back! Yes, that puts all the risk on me, and people could totally come in with the intention to rip me off... and I’m ok with that! If that gives YOU peace of mind to pull the trigger and invest in your future... 

....My friend, I’m ok with that! 

Let’s get you “speaking dog” and feeling the amazing results that come from having ease with every beautiful beast you groom.

Your investment in the online course is only $397 

Lights, Camera, Action!

Meet The Cast

Plus Jess Rona and her amazing
*human* team members.


  • The entire membership will be accessible through your member portal (I use a software called Kajabi). You’ll have lifetime access to all of the content through this platform.

  • If you have ever groomed a dog, this program is for you. You don't need to be a full-time working groomer to benefit from this framework. But the course is geared towards helping everyday working dog groomers improve their life and their grooming skills.

    When you apply the step-by-step blueprint, you'll see major results.

  • This is for everyday dog behaviors — this course will not guide you in how to handle aggressive dogs. This is not a training course. We accept no responsibility for any injuries you incur trying to groom an aggressive dog. (Please be careful, shmoop!)

  • Support is only an email away. Email any questions that come up to info@jessronacourses.com. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours Monday-Friday.

  • Email info@jessronacourses.com and we will get your questions answered!

Ready to take your grooming game to the next level?

It's all in the energy baby.